Sustainability policy
JOH. JOHANNSON KAFFE AS ensures sustainable development by balancing profitability, the environment, the working environment and social responsibility.
JOH. JOHANNSON KAFFE AS ensures sustainable development by balancing profitability, the environment, the working environment and social responsibility.
As a leading producer of quality coffee in the Norwegian market, JOH. JOHANNSON KAFFE AS recognizes its responsibility to contribute to sustainable development both locally, nationally and globally. As a responsible player in the international coffee trade, we recognize the sector's challenges, and our responsibility to choose good solutions to ensure environmental, economic and social sustainability development throughout the supply chain.
Our policy, and our goals, are based on the current situation for the world we are all part of. Our customers and consumers have a growing awareness of ethical trade, and they make demands on the products they choose. The current situation requires that we deliver products so that the Norwegian population can make sustainable choices.
By choosing solutions that promote sustainable development, as far as it is financially justifiable, we ensure that requirements from authorities and stakeholders are met.
We aim to contribute to a sustainable global footprint, and work actively to support the UN's sustainability goals.
We have clear ethical guidelines and demand honesty and integrity in all matters concerning our business. JOH. JOHANNSON KAFFE AS shall asure the rights, health and safety of its employees, at the same time as the company offers jobs where people thrive and develop along with the company's needs. By involving our employees and their union representative, and focusing on diversity and competence, we will strengthen our value creation.
The UN's sustainability goals are the world's joint action plan for sustainable development. We seek to contribute to the world to achieve the necessary goals by taking responsibility for our business, our purchasing and our actions. We recognize that our business practices can have a potential negative impact on people, society and the environment. Therefore, we are committed to conduct due diligence assessments, which is a risk-based approach to respect and protect people, society and the environment in our own business and throughout our supply chain. If our actions / activities cause or contribute to negative impact, we are obliged to stop this activity, and we will seek to restore the damage. Where the supplier is responsible for the negative impact / damage, the supplier is also responsible for recovery.
With high ambitions for our own company and for the coffee sector in general, we depend on cooperation. Cooperation with our suppliers, manufacturers and competitors.
Our suppliers are also our partners in the effort to ensure sustainable development in the industry. JOH. JOHANNSON KAFFE AS strives for long-term relationships with suppliers who share our values and who show a desire and ability to work with positive development in the supply chain. All our suppliers must therefore approve our Code of Conduct, which is based on internationally recognized UN and ILO conventions. Central objectives of our ethical guidelines for suppliers are to protect individuals against violations of human rights and labor rights, ensure respect, equality and a safe and healthy working environment in our supply chain.
We have a close dialogue and continuous collaboration with suppliers to ensure that we purchase coffee produced with more environmentally friendly and sustainable methods. By choosing certified raw materials, we support the producers through training in certification methodology, sustainable cultivation and processing of green coffee. The various certification standards work to preserve biological diversity, introduce climate-smart farming methods, protect local ecosystems, reduce the use of pesticides and protect pollinators, and not least - protect workers' rights.
International cooperation with our competitors, who are also our colleagues in the coffee sector, strengthens the global partnership for sustainable development. As a partner in International Coffee Partners and Coffee & Climate, we mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources in several poor producer countries. This contributes to a better everyday life and a brighter future for many coffee farmers. Important areas in our work to achieve sustainable development are human rights, climate change, poverty, health and pollution, vulnerability and economic development.